October 30, 2020 — Dübendorf, Switzerland: Insys Video Technologies has implemented another streaming platform, this time for the TR Warszawa theatre. The TR Warszawa website gives its logged-in users access to live content and materials on-demand.
“We are just opening a new chapter in the history of our theatre and a very important moment for the development of the Warsaw self-government artistic institution, which is TR Warszawa. Thanks to the platform, which was created as a result of innovative, creative, and professional cooperation with Insys Video Technologies, we can meet people living outside Warsaw and outside Poland via the Internet ”says Monika Dziekan, plenipotentiary of director TR Warszawa for Organizational Development.
“Starting November 7th as part of TR Online, the audience all over Poland and the world will see the latest premieres and the loudest performances in our repertoire. Shakespeare’s “Burza”, “Three Sisters”, the staging of Dorota Masłowska’s texts – these are just some of the titles that will be shown live on our platform,” says Kaja Stępkowska, spokeswoman for TR Warszawa.
“We are a modern art institution with its headquarter in Warsaw. Thanks to the platform, we will invite our faithful viewers as well as people who have not known us yet to spend exceptional evenings at the TR Warszawa theatre, also via the Internet. We want to be a theatre available for everyone, including people from high-risk groups and those for whom a visit to TR Warszawa will not be possible, and this is exactly what the platform offers” Dziekan adds.
“The TR Warszawa platform is based on the latest version of our Insys VOD solution,” says Norbert Kaczmarek, Key Account Manager at Insys Video Technologies. “The platform will be available to users via web browsers and will have functionalities such as a unique content recommendation and promotion mechanism using dedicated lists as well as graphic and video banners. The platform has a user-friendly, modern interface, created for the most effective and attractive exposure of video content. ”This is the first cooperation of this type between OTT and an art theatre in Poland” adds Kaczmarek.
“The latest premieres and the most famous performances from the TR Warszawa repertoire will be broadcasted on the platform. Streaming performances will be preceded by live introductions straight from the stages prepared by actresses and actors of TR Warszawa, as well as meetings with the creators of the performances, taking place live with the audience right after the end of each performance. Recordings of TR performances in VOD access will be successively added to the platform, including iconic archival performances. The program will be completed by a diverse and rich offer of online workshops and webinars, enabling the deepening of knowledge and experiencing art”.