Private Video CDN
Content Delivery Network (CDN) is used for providing high quality video streaming to users without buffering, delay and supporting all features, such as Live, VOD, 4K quality. End user’s applications connect with the geographically nearest server which ensures fast channel switching, minimizes delay with Live streams and best user experience.
Use cases
Using Private CDN is the best idea when:
- organizing sports events e.g. MMA or boxing galas in the PayPerView formula,
- having Netflix like VOD portals and TV broadcasters,
- having cultural live & VOD services.
Key benefits
- reducing the cost of the video delivery through the Internet,
- building your own private CDN network in regions where access to cloud services is limited,
- expansion private CDN as the business grows – easy expansion by adding new edge servers to your network,
- designing flexible architecture which can handle different traffic spikes in specific regions,
- redundancy, security, and fully managed infrastructure,
- possibility to earn by selling CDN services on the B2B market.