About the solution

Insys Cloud Video Recorder simplifies the process for recording virtually unlimited live video streams, storing them in the cloud, and distributing them to nearly any video playback device. What is more it enables customers to analyze and catalog the recordings and stream the content whenever and wherever viewers want. Other key features include advance scheduling of recordings, automated audio transcription, and automatic identification of recognizable people such as politicians within recorded content.

Insys Cloud Video Recorder can be a flexible solution for:

  • startups, building a solution that needs video recording in the cloud,
  • government or public sector representatives who want to record, archive or publish any video content,
  • educational institution wanting to archive and publish lectures or any type of events,
  • event organizers, wanting to record any type of live event.

Solution architecture

For the video layer, the Insys Cloud Video Recorder uses AWS Elemental Media Services: AWS Elemental MediaLive, which encodes live video for broadcast and streaming to any device and AWS Elemental MediaPackage that easily prepares, protects and distributes your streaming video content to a broad range of connected devices. Recorded content is kept on Amazon S3 for highly scalable storage. Insys Cloud Video Recorder incorporates API integration with Amazon Rekognition, which automatically identify people such as celebrities and politicians within recorded content. The audio transcription feature is powered by integration with the Amazon Transcribe, automatic speech recognition service.

Customer benefits

Launching a cloud-based video recorder can be complex and time-consuming, but thanks to Insys Cloud Video Recorder it is possible to launch a complete, professional cloud-based solution quickly and cost-effectively.

Key benefits:

  • start recording immediately,
  • have an “unlimited” scalability (starting from one to millions of users/recordings/hours),
  • pay only for the actual consumption,
  • reduce OPEX costs for support and maintenance,
  • re-use recorded content to create a new revenue stream,
  • increase user loyalty and customer base through an innovative live and live-to-VOD service.

Want to know more? 

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