August 27, 2020 — Dübendorf, Switzerland: Insys Video Technologies implemented a VOD service for the Mountain Festival called ‘Festiwal Górski im. Andrzeja Zawady’. is the first-ever online edition of the Festiwal Górski. The platform allows users to buy a pass for a festival, access to the movies, and live events.  

“We are organizing the 25th edition of the Mountain Festival in quite demanding times, so we decided to host it also via the online video platform” – says Szymon Matuszyński, PR Manager at Festiwal Górski. “This is a special edition for us, not only because of the jubilee. This year’s Festiwal Górski includes 10 days of mountain-themed attractions, 30 movies broadcast, 24 of which will be available online, and many other events that can be also viewed via the platform. This is why we decided to create a VOD service and cooperate with Insys Video Technologies” – adds Matuszyński. is based on Insys VOD solution. All video materials are available as paid video content on-demand. Viewers, after purchasing the access, will be able to watch all of the movies on the platform, including live events. After the end of the festival, viewers also will be able to buy one-time access to mountain-themed movies from the catalog. The platform is available in Polish and English and offers features such as geoblocking, payment systems integration, and content promotion through graphic and video banners. 

“Our OTT solutions prove that many events can take place also online and companies in the current pandemic situation often decide to create VOD platforms. The enrichment of the regular program of the festival with an online video platform will allow for the participation of those movie fans who prefer to stay at home during the pandemic, but also of those who for some other reasons cannot come to Lądek-Zdrój” – says Norbert Kaczmarek, Key Account Manager at Insys Video Technologies. “The organizers of the Festiwal Górski meet the expectations of not only mountain film lovers but also all Internet users who are looking for such productions, which are really hard to find at the most popular streaming or VOD platforms” – adds Kaczmarek.